by Gayle Jackson | Dec 16, 2019 | Articles, Mentors Corner
I have been very troubled and concerned by a thinking I am finding in the Christian movement. It is now being displayed and revered in the institutional Churches. In a nutshell, what it is saying is that Grace trumps all aspects of the discipleship life (i.e. our response to Truth-Obedience). They say because of the love from God, we can disregard the warnings and provisions of the bible on commands (especially the Old Testament) and observations. God’s love checkmates His response of anger, our response of the fear of Him, etc. to our sin. We should focus on a true expression of love and have acceptance of all behavior. It is being said that no one or behavior should be criticized and especially from the pulpit. Also, there is a sensitivity that we might be hurting people’s feelings if we note their misbehavior and state they could be going to Hell. As the new generation says to me about the sexual deviancy, they were “just born that way”. This thinking is embedded in this generation, so much so that a leader of a major church said to the congregation that we need to ignore commands or observations from the Old Testament. He was not challenged but applauded. I have seen, over my life, this concept /thinking in the Church. So much so that today’s church has been neutered. Here is a sample of some of the compromises that I have witnessed over the last 70 years in the “family” church. The thinking and direction was compromises so the church could stay relevant with the culture. 1. Any reason is...
by Gayle Jackson | Apr 15, 2019 | Articles, Mentors Corner
The Word: The Bible, the Word of God is the key to all we believe. To waffle in your thinking on the accuracy and authority of the Word, is to disrupt your relationship and walk with God. Your commitment to the Word is a key to your walk with Christ. 1:8 “This book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it by day and by night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall act wisely”. 1Pe 1:23 having been born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, through the living Word of God, and abiding forever. Instead of a treatise on The Word, let me ask 11 Questions on the subject: 1. Have you ever read/studied the history of the bible and how it came about? If not, when are you going to? 2. Do you know the history of the canonization? 3. Do you believe in a closed or open cannon? 4. Do you believe the bible is inerrant? 5. If you don’t a. What parts are errant to you? b. Can you trust Jesus history and teachings, i.e. His use of Jonah as a historical character? c. If you don’t embrace inerrancy are you declaring your opinion as more accurate than God’s? d. Since Jesus quoted the bible often, what are we to conclude? 6. Do you have problems of squaring the bible with the archeologist? 7. Can you accept creation account? 8. Are scripture teachings, like...
by Gayle Jackson | Jul 9, 2018 | Articles, Mentors Corner
The book of 1 Peter, I would argue, is Peter’s “manual” for how not to embarrass Christ amidst Tribulation (as Philippians is Paul’s). An interesting passage to consider in regard to Tribulation is 1 Peter 4:12. In it Peter exhorts us, “not to think it strange”. 1 Peter 4:12 Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; Do you think it strange when pain, persecution, suffering, testing, trials, temptation… tribulation enters into your life? (although there are some slight differences in the meaning of the words above, for the purpose of these articles, I use these words essentially as synonyms) Some irony with this verse is that earlier in his life, Peter thought it strange concerning Jesus: If we look back in the Gospels in Matthew 16, Jesus is telling the Apostles His plans to go to Jerusalem, suffer many things and be killed. Peter responds and essentially says: “NO WAY, I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN”. Thus he provokes Jesus’ rebuke in Matthew 16:23 But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.” Jesus understood something that Peter did not at that point in his life. Specifically, that tribulation is normal in the life of God’s children. Are you more like Peter or Jesus in this manner? Do you understand that tribulation is normal in your life, even GRACIOUS? To the degree that you think tribulation is strange (to the...
by Gayle Jackson | Jun 4, 2018 | Articles, Mentors Corner
The Discipleship Process Dawson Trotman’s Obedient Disciple Wheel 80 some years ago, Dawson Trotman created the “Wheel” as a discipleship icon, (icon: a sign whose form directly reflects the thing it signifies). This small icon demonstrates the habits of a Jesus disciple. This illustration is not perfect nor exhaustive but is a good test barometer for you to check yourself. These habits will help train you in the ways of Christ. Let us review each the rim of the wheel: Obedience: Our message from God is the Bible. The product in our life is for us to be committed to a life of obedience, i.e. to live life as Christ would have us live it. It is clear in Jesus, and the subsequent scriptures taught, that the call on the believer is to have a life of obedience. The world is telling you that “disobedience” is ok, i.e., sexual mores, lying, stealing, dishonoring parents, permissive child rearing, etc. Some of the Christian world will say that kind of misbehavior is covered in Christ’s blood. They say God is a God of love and so is Christ. So, the Godhead will just overlook your disobedience out of love at the judgment… But the scriptures note to you that this thinking is wrong: John 14:21, 1 Cor 3:11-15 There are four spokes in this wheel Witnessing: Do you know how to woo a nonbeliever into a relationship with Jesus, where they would listen and hear the Holy Spirit? A person coming to Christ is not usually a lightning strike of a single event but an accumulation of many thoughts that eventually...
by Gayle Jackson | Mar 6, 2018 | Articles, Mentors Corner
1. CROWN Of Righteousness: 2 Timothy 4:8 Given to all those who eagerly looked forward to and loved His appearing. When I was a young man working for IBM, we use to have a label for people who were leaving the business. They were called “short timers”. All their focus was how they could position themselves to leave in good shape, take all they could get and land in a prosperous way. They were motivated by their best interest and their future. God is offering us a better deal in Heaven. Let us face it, we are short timers on earth. I find few people in the Christian walk focused on Jesus coming back or the fact we are going to Jesus. Most Christians are focused on improving their temporal circumstances or creating a theocratic society. The attitude today is because Jesus loves me, there will be no judgment or accountability in Heaven. So don’t worry about being accountable. That thinking is unbiblical. He loves me and will discipline me. I am accountable. Be motivated and live life with a short timer’s attitude and be assured, you will see Jesus soon. This thinking is in your best interest. Application: Do I think about Jesus return daily? Do I pray and do I desire that He come back today? How would Jesus grade me on this mindset? What do I need to do to get myself better focused on this mindset? Would you be eligible for this CROWN? 2. INCORRUPTIBLE CROWN 1 Corinthians 9:25-27 Given to those who disciplined their bodies and exercised self-control. 1 Co 9:25 And everyone who...
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