Choosing Fear (Part 1)

“Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” –Matthew 10:28 There is no respect in fear:  It is just plain terror.  God has set the terms of how man relates to Him:  It’s through terror, for He is the God who determines our future. The word that is translated as “fear” in the original Greek is phobos.  The word phobos means terror.  Had Jesus intended to mean “respect” there are other more appropriate words in the original language that could have been used. We will fear that in which we hope.  Fear follows our hope.  And behavior (faith) follows our fear.  Therefore, our fears and actions reveal that in which we hope for and hope in.  What do your actions tell you about your fear and your hope? Fear has a bad reputation.  It is associated with weakness and cowardice.  But if placed with the right object (God), it is meant for our protection, for our good, a driver to obedience, and motive of avoidance of sin and pain–and to do what is ultimately in our best interest.  It leads to positive changes in our lives, pushes us to love and good deeds, strengthens us, unchains and frees us up.  Fear can become our strength! “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom” (Psalm 111:10) and “Conduct yourselves in fear of God while on Earth” (1Peter 1:17). Fear of God is not only the best beginning but the necessary foundation for in a walk with Jesus...